At the end of a hard day wouldn't it be nice to have a beautiful Transsexual Babysitter to cum home too.
Take a walk on the wild side and have your way with some of the hottest trannies you’ll ever see. These babes have it all and they are more than willing to let you suck their big secret!
She-males are used to being in control of a situation. Especially if they happen upon someone who is so enamored with them, they overlook the obvious hints. They are in control of letting them know who they are, and sexually, they're usually in charge as well, with their highly masculine cock. But not with Michael Kahn - Teighjiana finds this out the hard way. He shows her that she's not the only one who can shock and awe... in a good way.
The exciting conclusion of this campy tale of intrigue, punishment and discipline! They're campy, they're kinky, and they're the wildest chicks with dicks you could ever hope to see! The last movie made by Tarina, Hollywood's notorious TS, before her tragic untimely death.Domination and submissive, spanking, flogging, humiliation, rope and bondage.Directed by Gino Colbert.This is a Bizarre Video production that you'll never forget.
These she-males are Hot, Horny and HUNG! Roy Alexandre brings you only the hottest in well-hung uncut she-male action! If you love a chick with a pretty face and a big dick then this is definitely the movie to float your boat! So cum on in, you're sure to enjoy the show!