How do we put this delicately? - TS Beatriz Napoly

17-March-2015 16:21: Watch for free «How do we put this delicately? - TS Beatriz Napoly» - porn movie with popular models transexuals -
How do we put this delicately? - TS Beatriz Napoly

Starring: Beatriz Napoly
Categories: Shemale / Tranny
Resolution: 720x480
Format: wmv
Length: 23 min
Size: 150mb

How do we put this delicately? Beatriz Napoly ain't winnin' no beauty prizes, but that's one of the reasons why paper bags were invented. Still, on the off chance that you dig chicks who look like guys even though they've obviously spent a ton of money on surgery and ponytail hair bands not to, Beatriz would make a fine companion piece next time your mom hounds the shit out of you for not finding a girlfriend to bring home for Thanksgiving dinner. Imagine Beatriz walking through the door and doing a seduction number like she's doing in this video clip. Yeah, that'll shut mom up once and for all. Then, again, if you like Beatriz' type, mom won't bother you about didley squat and will probably thank her lucky stars she's only bailing you out on a drug distribution rap, knowing your life could have gone a lot worse had you dated a she-male. At least that's one way of looking at it.

1 027
17 Mar 2015

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