Have some porn and make the world a better place at the same time with the 2019 Christmas Charity Set! Eight of your favorite 3DX artists have teamed up to raise money for two prestigious and well-managed charities: Amnesty International and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
This product was sold in February and March of 2020, with all sales split evenly and donated to the Australian Red Cross and the largest wildlife rescue organization in Australia, WIRES. Both charities are committed to assisting the people and wildlife who had their homes and habitat destroyed by bushfire in the 2019-2020 bushfire season. It is now available for free to all 3DX fans.
Far in the future some gorgeous Futa and woman meet for an erotic adventure. This is an add-on to a multipart series telling the story of a hot sex party in a futuristic environment.
Here is my Free Pack, it contains 5 images of each of my comics in my store. For those who do not yet know my work, here is a very good opportunity to discover me :)
Come find out what she's going to do :