The True History Of She-Male Cock (2011)

18-January-2011 20:54: Watch for free «The True History Of She-Male Cock (2011)» - porn movie with popular models transexuals - Vaniity, Ariana Jollee, Luana Varela, Sabrina, Raissa Marques, Miss Goodbar, Kalena Rios, Nefertiti, Alina Santos, Ariel, Luana Araujo, Jamie Croft, Leticia Vlasak, Carmen Cruz, Vo D’Balm, Sasha Heveyn, Paulo Machy, Jag, Diezel, Allan Marcelo
The True History Of She-Male Cock (2011)

The True History Of She-Male Cock (2011)

Starring: Vaniity, Ariana Jollee, Luana Varela, Sabrina, Raissa Marques, Miss Goodbar, Kalena Rios, Nefertiti, Alina Santos, Ariel, Luana Araujo, Jamie Croft, Leticia Vlasak, Carmen Cruz, Vo D’Balm, Sasha Heveyn, Paulo Machy, Jag, Diezel, Allan Marcelo
Categories: Shemale / Tranny
Date Added: 2012
(2176.9 Mb)

Nobody has done more to improve the XXX she-male sub-genre than adventurous director Joey Silvera ¬ his vision for the exotic “third gender” delivered transsexual porn from back alley rip-off to creative, seductive hard-core entertainment. Aficionados of gender bending fun (as well as the merely curious) can see the glory of truly feminine chicks with dicks in “The True History Of She-Male Cock,” a sumptuous, 14-scene double-DVD that collects Joey’s hottest trannie scenes from the last five years. Elegant, sexy she-male goddess Vaniity shows up in two scenes: She takes a big dildo in her tight rear and then cock-reams genetic slut Ariana Jollee in the mouth and up the ass; later Vaniity goes solo, jacking her junk and cumming in her hand.


18 Jan 2011
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